General Practice is facing a crisis point – with financially unsustainable and severe workforce shortages across the country. These are most significantly affecting our rural and remote communities. 

GPs are burnt out.

We are fed up with the increasing workloads and red tape.

We are disappointed with the lack of support. 

We need the RACGP to take the lead in protecting our profession and the Australian community from the consequences of this crisis.  

We need a President who will provide strong Leadership during these precarious times

I believe I am the right person to be the next RACGP President and rapidly take up the role from Adjunct Professor Karen Price

I know GP

I know RACGP

I know what patients want


As RACGP President I will


    – to you as a member. I will ensure the RACGP hears and understands what the problems are.


    – provide advocacy at all levels of Australia – our politicians, Health bureaucrats, Policy writers, Media, and most importantly, our Patients and the broader Australian public - in the villages, towns, rural and remote communities, and suburbs of our great nation.


    - Build on the advocacy wins of Karen Price – and provide Leadership to achieve a united, powerful, and relentless message. 

We need to rescue General Practice - and ensure all Australians have access to appropriate care, in the appropriate place, at the appropriate time. And this means rescuing our colleagues working in rural and remote communities as a #1 priority.

Now is the time to achieve better remuneration for general practice, particularly for those working in remote and rural settings and providing care for vulnerable populations with lower social determinants of health. We also need to achieve pay and entitlement equity for GPs in training with their hospital colleagues. GP's deserve to be adequately remunerated for the central role they play in the Australian health care system.

I want all RACGP members to vote for who they want as President - because they know that this role matters

I want all GPs to WANT to be a member of the RACGP rather than need to be a member because of the value that membership in RACGP plays in advocacy, education and professional development.

I want you to know YOU matter

I want GPs to seek out membership of RACGP because of the great value it provides
in advocacy and education, and for this community and workforce of GPs to be able to improve
the health of all Australians by providing sustainable, accessible care.
— Charlotte Hespe, MBBS (Hons), DCH (Lon), FRACGP, FAICD, GCUT (UNDA)

Achieve a sustainable funding model for general practice

This requires:

  • a flexible funding model that suits all GPs – rural, regional and urban

  • addressing the culture within medicine of valuing specialisation as opposed to generalism

  • providing high quality, fair and robust training and assessment programs to ensure a well skilled future workforce

  • supporting GP registrars to achieve salary equity with their fellow specialty training colleagues

Advocate for GPs as the foundation of our health care system

This requires:

  • recognition that the current funding model supports “SICK CARE” rather than “HEALTH CARE”

  • recognition that continuity of care and preventive healthcare are the cornerstone of general practice and of the health of our nation.

  • recognition that General Practice requires better communication and access to information across all parts of the health system

  • a model that supports those working with populations with poor social determinants of health

  • collaboration with state and federal government, PHNs, medical governance bodies, other medical colleges and the community to increase funding into General Practice

  • presenting to Government a framework for assessing and implementing evidence based preventive health strategies

PROVIDE strong leadership and unity within general practice

This requires:

  • Providing solutions to the crisis

  • Providing the evidence to Government to support our claims for more remuneration

  • creating an expectation of wins for general practice

  • championing general practice as the cornerstone of healthcare

  • harnessing and promoting the strong voice of women in general practice

  • supporting a CPD program that enhances both professional development and connection within the GP community, with minimal administrative burden and cost

  • ensure RACGP is our trusted professional home that provides high quality, valuable support on an educational, professional, financial and personal level

General practice is in crisis

Why Me? WHy now?

I know gp. i know Racgp. i know what patients need

we need to keep our government accountable

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