Because I will

  1. Listen

  2. Be Heard

  3. Be a Leader

I know GP

I know RACGP

I know what our patients want

I will provide strong leadership during times of crisis

As Chair, NSW/ACT, I have led the GP community through the ongoing disasters of Pandemic COVID-19, bushfires, floods, floods, more floods and emergent Monkeypox, I have established and maintained excellent communication channels with NSW Health and other state agencies, together with national bodies and mainstream media, through these crises. Key achievements have been establishing an effective and collaborative communications network of lead GPs across NSW/ACT (vCOP),  advocating for GP Nationally during COVID-19, increasing representation of women, and establishing New Fellows / GP Wellbeing committee and hosting a podcast celebrating the amazing work of GP’s- JustaGP.

GPs currently stand between a tsunami of complex chronic disease and an overwhelmed hospital system. Meanwhile, politicians across all jurisdictions (Federal, State and territory) are realising it is impossible to keep funding medical care under the current “sick-care” model of funding. As GPs, we know that we provide high quality care that is appropriate, accessible and affordable – but that to achieve a sustainable model of care we need urgent transformation and diversion of funding and support.

I engage robustly at the highest levels of health policy and am positioned to ensure that we have an ongoing strong voice advocating on behalf of General Practice - providing solutions to the crisis. I have the skills, experience and relationships to advocate for the change that is needed.


  • 1998: I became a GP Supervisor and RACGP OSCE examiner

  • 2004: Appointed NSW state Assessment Coordinator

  • 2009: Appointed as OSCE National Coordinator

  • 2013: Elected Deputy Chair for NSW/ACT Faculty Council

  • 2014: Appointed to REC Quality care (stood down in 2017 when appointed to the board)

  • 2017: Elected Chair of NSW/ACT Faculty Council and Director for National RACGP Board.

  • 2017-current: Director, RACGP

  • 2017-8: Vice President, RACGP

  • 2018-9: Chair, RACGP Board

  • 2019-22: Chair People and Culture, Remuneration, Nominations (PCNR) Board committee

When I took on the role as Chair in 2017, it was with the specific goal of improving governance of RACGP and the value for members. Since then, I’ve contributed to significant internal change with increased emphasis on the needs of GP members and more assertive advocacy with the state and federal government.

I am proud to see how the process of internal improvements has led to a complete transformation of our organisation to become Member centric. We are now in an IDEAL position to provide strong leadership and advocacy across Australia for GP

My long association with the RACGP means I have a deep understanding of the organisation, and have developed good working relationships with the Executive Management team. This means I am able to act NOW - not in 6 - 12 months’ time

As Director of RACGP over the last four years, I have been part of a unified Board that has overseen significant management change with increased emphasis on the needs of GP members and more assertive advocacy with the state and federal government.

I am excellently positioned to lead the ongoing change process.

MY PRIORITY IS TO rescue our profession at this time of crisis and set us up for a sustainable future.

I want GPs to be thriving, well-remunerated and well-supported, and represented nationally as the Specialist, in generalism (and complexity) we are proud to be.

This means working for:

  • Increased funding into General Practice as an urgent priority

  • Transformation of our current funding models to provide a flexible funding model that suits and supports the rural and remote GP as effectively as the regional and urban GP

  • Recognition of preventive health as the cornerstone of general practice and of the nation’s health - to transform us from a system providing “Sick-care” into a true “Health-care” system.

  • Strong, unified advocacy for GPs to ensure appropriate and safe health care services are provided across our country

  • Transformation of the funding model for GPs in training – to provide benefits that align with all specialty training schemes


Most of us in general practice know what we don’t like. But good leadership requires more than that. A leader must know how to build what we want- generate solutions. This is achieved through collaboration, relationships and respect.

I understand the nuts and bolts of effective corporate governance with a demonstrated track record of leadership. I am a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and have productively chaired multiple GP-related Boards, including my local Primary Health Network, GP training organisations and the RACGP NSW/ ACT Council and RACGP National Board.

A personal goal has been to increase the leadership of Women in General Practice. I am proud of the initiatives that have evolved from this campaign, including groups proactively mentoring women in GP leadership positions.


I have been a practice owner and GP Supervisor for twenty-two years and understand the coalface of medicine - time pressure, mounting paperwork, a government that demands more output for less funding and the national mental health and chronic disease burden that GPs are carrying without adequate support or recognition. How, when GPs are so busy bailing water out of the boat, can we find the time, expertise and energy to plug the hole?

A Practice owner since 1998, I am intimately aware of the issues facing both contracted GPs and Practice owners: Medicare Rebates, Contracts, Practice Incentive Payments, Payroll tax, Accreditation

I have supported and advocated for key issues affecting Practice owners and contractors

·      Establishment of Business of General Practice as a specific interest group

·      RACGP Practice Owners annual conference

·      Establishment of a National sub-committee looking at Payroll tax

·      Review of accreditation process and standards

I know that we really need to support GPs across their entire career pathway – from medical student to GP in training to New Fellow – our future workforce and our current experienced workforce.


I understand the need for quality research to inform change.  I have just completed a PhD thesis on implementing cardiovascular preventive care in real world general practice.

I know the evidence

I understand the real world of GP, and I have tools and experience to bring them together.

I understand the absolute need for appropriate FINANCIAL INCENTIVES and PROVISION OF SUPPORT SERVICES in order for General Practice to deliver what our community needs

I am here to fight for General Practice

I want to achieve WINS for general practice - we can no longer stand by and watch our profession die.

My intimate up to date knowledge of the RACGP, my strong leadership skills, my academic expertise, my career as a practice owner and supervisor and my belief in general practice as the core of a successful health system will give us the momentum to achieve the change we need.